------------------------ version 1.1 --------------------------------------
Added : Add Responsive layout to support responsive website
------------------------- Version 2.0.0 ---------------------------------
Added : More layout for BT Content Showcase : Block News, Breaking news and Frontpage Slideshow (Check our demo at : https://demo.bowthemes.com/bt-news/ )
Upgraded: Support Joomla 3.0
------------------------ version 2.1.0 --------------------------------------
Upgraded: responsive for all and touch screen option, adding layouts: metro, metro_small style
------------------------ version 2.2.0 --------------------------------------
- moved: image caching folder --> joomla caching folder /cache/module_bt_contentshowcase/
- added: caching external images
- show/hide next-back button for frontpageshow layout
------------------------ version 2.2.2 --------------------------------------
- Added: Simple list layout
------------------------ version 2.3.0 --------------------------------------
- Added: Hightlight layout
- Added: EasyBlog Source
------------------------ version 2.3.1 --------------------------------------
-- 10/29 - Bowthemes - Removed RTL parameter (Automatic RTL support)
-- 10/29 - Bowthemes - Corrected hover effect frontpageshow style
-- 10/29 - Bowthemes - Fix bug: When user set Source by Portfolio Categories. The module gets portfolios of other categories.
-- 08/11 - Bowthemes - Fix bug: If user changes BT Portfolio Image Path. The module can't get images
------------------------ version 2.3.2 --------------------------------------
-- 12/03 - Bowthemes - Upgraded to compatible with Joomla 3.2
------------------------ version 2.4.0 --------------------------------------
-- 01/14 - Bowthemes - Add new Featured Carousel Layout
-- 02/07 - Fix bug: Block News shows wrong category link with read more link.
-- 02/28 - Fix bug: Wrong Login Url when user "Show Authorised Links" in Articles Manager.
-- 05/22 - Upgrade default and accordion layouts to avoid conflict of Navigation and Arrow Buttons Setting by using multiple Bt Content showcase instances.
------------------------ version 2.4.1 --------------------------------------
-- 07/02 - Bowthemes - Add: swipe up and down on the module to scroll webpage
-- 08/04 - Add: Check addition themes in html folder of current template
-- 08/06 - Fixed bug: Can't get exactly URL of joomla article with mutilple language
------------------------ version 2.4.2 --------------------------------------
- 09/05 - Added: Get items from sub categories width "Sub Categories" parameter
- 09/05 - Added: "Excluded Categories" parameter
- 09/05 - Fixed bug: "Auto-detect Category" parameter doesn't appear if user choose Easyblog Categories source
------------------------ version 2.4.3 --------------------------------------
- 09/05 - Added: Filter Joomla articles and K2 item by tags
------------------------ version 2.4.4 --------------------------------------
- 03/02 - Support for Joomla 3.4
------------------------ version 2.4.5 --------------------------------------
- Added: Layout BT Bistro
- Upgraded: Easyblog 5.0
- Upgraded: jQuery 1.11.3
------------------------ version 2.4.8 (08/19)--------------------------------------
- Fixed: minor bugs
- Fixed: missing language "No Result"
------------------------ version 2.4.9 (08/19)--------------------------------------
- Fixed: Error in the multilanguage site
- Fixed: Jcarousel in safari browser
- Fixed: The error in the blocknews layout